1957 Schlicker
"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul."
-Johann Sebastian Bach
4 Levels of Memory
6 General Pistons, 4 Divisional per division
Crescendo Pedal
Reversible Tutti Toe Stud
II: Great
16 Quintadena
8 Principal
8 Rohrfloete
4 Octave
4 Spitzfloete
2 Hohlfloete
V Mixture
Swell to Great 16
Swell to Great 8
Swell to Great 4
Positiv to Great 16
Positiv to Great 8
III: Swell (enclosed)
8 Gedackt
8 Salicional
8 Vox Celeste
4 Nachthorn
2 Octave
II Sesquialtera
IV Mixture
8 Trumpet
Swell to Swell 16
Swell to Swell 4
I: Positiv
8 Quintadena
4 Rohrfloete
2 Principal
1 1/3 Larigot
1 Siffloete
IV Mixture
8 Krummhorn
Swell to Positiv 8
16 Bourdon
16 Quintadena (Gt)
8 Principal
8 Quintadena (Gt)
4 Nachthorn
III Mixture
16 Posaune
4 Schalmey
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 8
Positiv to Pedal 8