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Loneliness is an epidemic in the United States.  It affects the elderly and children alike.  Nearly half of all Americans say they are lonely. According to studies, loneliness impacts health in terms of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and depression, and is said to shorten a person’s life by 15 years.  Currently, one in six Boomers live alone while Gen Z (ages 18 to 22) and Millennials (ages 23 to 37) scored the highest for struggling with loneliness.


Loneliness—feelings of emptiness, being cut off, and craving for connection—elicits a spiritual depression.  At Bethel we are concerned with how loneliness impacts our congregation and our surrounding community, and we actively try to decrease our loneliness directly. This looks a little different every year. This year, we will:

  • collect and distribute food every day through our Little Free Pantry

  • host Community Fun nights with a free meal and fun activity about once a quarter (Feb, May, July, Dec)

  • collect shelf-stable food (March)

  • host a Paint and Sip event in the summer (July)

  • collect school supplies (Aug-Sept)

  • host a Fall Festival in early October

  • host Trunk or Treat in late October

  • collect and distribute coats and hats (Nov-Dec)


We share our building with long-term and short-term renters. We join in the annual Ice Cream Social with the Bancroft Neighborhood Association. We are affirm and celebrate you, as you are. 


​Maybe YOU have an idea how we  can help (Oust) Loneliness in our neighborhood. Send an email to to start a conversation!

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